How to get pregnant

Before we decided to have a baby, my hubby and I were living the ‘honeymoon life’ for the past six years. We would go for long and frequent holidays, sometimes impromptu. We enjoy clubbing, chilling at pubs, hanging out with friends and basically anything nightlife. We would go for random suppers and midnight movie dates, and really enjoyed our freedom together.

However, we have to make some changes to our lifestyle now that we plan to expand our lil’ family and enter the next phase of life 🙂

#1: Stop drinking alcohol and reduce caffeine

May not be a issue for most people, but i am both alcohol and caffeine dependent. I think is because of the stress from my studies/work. I do just civilised red wine drinking, but frequent. It helps me relax and sleep well at night, because my brain is simply too occupied with work stuff. I should definitely cut down to once or twice a week instead.

Coffee. I am such a coffee and tea fanatic, a habit since university days. Trying to reduce coffee intake or switch to decaf coffee.

#2: Reduce stress from work and relax

I have high expectations of myself, thus, I am constantly pushing myself to do the best I could. This kind of mindset definitely have to go.

#3: Take 5mg of folic acid everyday

Folic acid can reduce risk of fetal defects, so don’t wait till pregnant then take. It is very affordable and should start taking when trying to conceive.

#4: Charting ovulation

I started taking my basal body temperature every morning before I got out of bed. For this, you have to start a few months before trying to conceive, because you need to chart a pattern from the previous cycles.

#5: Creating a romantic ambiance in the room

When we were trying to get pregnant, we make an effort to sleep earlier. Also, I bought aromatherapy and massage oil to help in creating the romantic feel heehee.

#6: Using a fertility lubricant

I was using the Durex lubricant, before I found out that it may kill sperm. So, I switched to ConceivePlus (You can read my review on this product) and got pregnant easily.

#7: The last and the most important! Have alot of SEX!

We were doing the deed every other day during my fertile period heehee. Enjoy it while you can, since being pregnant, you may just not be in the mood.

