Pregnancy week 22: Body soreness/aches, ‘nesting’ syndrome, hubby feeling baby kick, carving for durian


This week, I started getting aches on my lower back. I am in need of a good prenatal massage. There are a few that I shortlisted based on reviews and interested to try out:) Hubby has been helping me massage my lower back every night, but he does not do a good job. And he demanded to be tipped for his services blah. Haha. I am also looking for maternity belts as I read they can help support the growing belly as well as the back.

I also notice a funny behaviour of mine. I have to say I am not neatest or cleanest person you will come across, but nowadays, i cannot stand dirt. I have the urge to bleach and clean all parts of my house, and also pack my wardrobe/cupboards etc.  I goggled this eccentric behavior of mine, and to my surprise, this is actually a condition called ‘nesting syndrome’ OMG


“Mother hamsters do it. Mama cats and dogs do it. Expectant birds do it. And, if you’re like many human moms-to-be, you’re doing it, too, these days: preparing your “nest” for your soon-to-arrive baby. ”

“You might wake up one morning feeling energetic and wanting to clean and organize your entire house. This urge to clean and organize is known as nesting. Nesting during pregnancy is the over whelming desire to get your home ready for your new baby. ”

From about 17-18 weeks, I can surely feel my baby movement. But every time my hubby places his hand on my tummy, the little one stopped moving haha. And 22 weeks is the first time my hubby felt baby kick. It was random because she was really moving and kicking alot when I go to bed, and I was telling my hubby about it. Then my hubby place his hand on my belly, and wala, our baby girl kicked his hand a few times. I can sense my hubby feeling more and more attach to our little one already. lol


It’s the durian season again here in Singapore. I have been craving for it for days, until I got to eat it at my in-laws place haha. My gynae warns me of the high sugar content in durian, too ‘nourishing’ already. So, I only eat 4 pieces. *Pat on my shoulder



Pregnancy week 20: Confirmed gender, pressure on bladder, leg cramps, increased appetite, active night baby



We confirmed the gender of our baby this week, which means shopping spree for me whee! Actually I couldn’t resist and already bought some baby clothes at 16 weeks. Gynae is now 100% sure its a girl, and we can clearly see ‘3 lines’ on the ultrasound, which are the labial folds (a separate post on my 20 weeks detailed scanning). Her position is really weird during the ultrasound, like a crouching position. Maybe it is getting too cramp for her in there. But anyways, everything is normal and we are relieved that she is a healthy baby.

I have been feeling this intense pressure on my bladder, and causing me to go to toilet frequently. And everytime the volume is so little (sorry TMI haha). And I am using up so many rolls of toilet paper. rolleyes

Other than the frequent toilet visits, I have been feeling great. And my appetite is too good. I am trying to keep to the ideal calories count for second trimester, which is basically not eating too much more. But baby is making me hungry at around midnight-_-And my baby is either an owl or vampire, she is super active at night cool!

And I have been getting leg cramps when I wake up in the morning. I think the feared body/muscle aches and cramps are starting to kick in, which also coincides with my belly suddenly popping out. Baby’s growth should also accelerate now, putting the pressure on my body.



Pregnancy week 16: Feeling great, first baby kicks and movements, baby bump, baby girl?, baby hauls



This week marks the best week of my pregnancy ever wink. My morning sickness is completely gone by now, and my appetite has returned to pre-pregnancy. I can move around really fast and go about doing my daily activities without even feeling pregnant. This is in stark contrast to the zombie life I was living a few weeks ago!

I started to feel flutters and weird sensations of kicking in my belly, and I’m pretty sure its the baby’s movements. I thought I felt her when I was 12 weeks pregnant, but now that I’m feeling the real thing, I believe those from before are just stomach gas and my wild imaginations heehee. Initially, I was apprehensive about feeling something moving within me. I am worried that I might not get used to the idea of something growing within me. Like those horror movies where aliens were growing in the tummy and then burst out.  But lucky thing is that pregnancy is gradual, and your mind and body will be well-prep as pregnancy progresses.

And finally my belly is starting to show. My colleagues and family have been commenting about how I don’t look pregnant. I don’t even get seats in the MRT, unless I start to rub my belly, and some people still look at me in a weird way. Awkward moments eek.

And we know the gender from the gynae, although it is unconfirmed yet until the 20 weeks detailed scan. It’s a GIRL!

Started buying baby essentials like bathing items, feeding items, baby gym, automatic swing etc. And some baby clothes heh, just couldn’t resist!



Pregnancy week 12: End of first trimester, food cravings and aversions, napping, constant dehydration



I am officially into my second trimester woohoo! I made it through the morning sickness. And miraculously, one morning, I woke up and the horrible all-day nausea left me. And most importantly, miscarriage risk is much lower now. I can focus on the baby and my well-being instead of constantly worrying about losing the baby.

I have mild food cravings, like cold juices. Coffee/tea is my constant go-to, and I never liked juices. Now, I feel constantly dehydrated and craving for sweet juices and ice water. Juices are my hubby thing, so he’s saying that baby is taking after him -_-. I think the reason why I feel dehydrated is the additional blood that is flowing through my body, and I need the water.

I still cannot stand the smell of deep fried food. The oily smell is gross! So, I’m basically having a healthy pregnancy, since I am craving for juices and hating fried food haha. I also love cup noodles though, and I would finish drinking the soup *guilty.

Although my morning sickness left me, I am still in need of naps. At least an afternoon nap a day 🙂



Pregnancy week 10: Breathlessness, emotional, poor vision, vaginal discharge



Still riding the emotional rollercoaster nowadays. I will sometimes feel sad for no reason, I think I’m having pregnancy blues:(. To make things worst, I find it difficult to breathe, especially at night. I think I am anemic and should start taking iron supplements soon. Increased blood is also flowing through me to meet my baby needs, so I believe that the feeling of breathlessness is my body adapting phase.

I also noticed that my vision is getting poor, maybe because sleep too much? Or my body refusal to work (my work requires alot of reading)?

I am getting alot of white mucus discharge (sorry if TMI haha), so have to wear panty liners now to avoid dirtying my undies. Have read online that it is normal. They don’t smell or anything, so it doesn’t really bother me.



Pregnancy week 6: Morning sickness, fever/sore throat, spotting, drowsy, darker nipples, constipation



Being pregnant is horrible. I am so going to stop at one! This week, I experience something new-morning sickness. It is the most horrible thing ever. It is like a hangover that doesn’t go away. I am feeling nauseated the entire day, no appetite, very drowsy and a bitterness in my throat. To make things worst, I got sore throat and high fever! What an eventful start to my first pregnancy.

Because our immune system is poorer during pregnancy, I took 2 weeks to totally recover from it. Especially the sore throat, which was painful and horrible as well.

And I kanna spotting/brown discharge the next day of my high fever. I was so worried that I am getting a miscarriage that I immediately went to see a gynae. Turns out everything is fine. Baby’s heartbeat still going strong!

I am getting constipation, which I never had before. Not sure is it because of my poor appetite and hence unbalance diet, or the supplement pills that I am taking.

I also noticed when I came out of the bath, that my nipples are bigger and darker eek.



Pregnancy week 4: Menstrual-like cramping, lethargic, bloating, high body temperature



Had so much and intense cramping that I thought my period was coming, but it didn’t. And I found out I was pregnant woohoo!

A few days before I knew, I was still throwing a housewarming party for about 60 guests, standing whole day, carried heavy stuff and even had wine eek Had a super backache after the party, and very tired. But did not think much about it. Party-planning and entertaining guests are tiring tasks anyways.

But I still couldn’t recover by the next day. Feeling exhuasted and bloated. Still blaming the party for it. And I thought I am running a mild fever. My body temperature is like 37.2 degrees. Until I found out. And it all make sense now.

