Clearblue Digital with conception indicator review

*Products reviewed here were purchased by myself

I already knew I was pregnant from the home pregnancy tests I took on 11/3/14. I have read good reviews on the Clearblue Digital with conception indicator pregnancy test kit, and decided to try it.

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The reason being that most commercial test kits measures qualitative HCG levels, which means that if your urine HCG is higher than the threshold, it will come out as positive, and vice versa. Whereas this kit is more on the quantitative side.

[This test costs about S$24.90 each, and you can purchase at any big pharmacies. I got mine from NUH pharmacy.]

This particular test kit can predict the number of weeks after you have conceived (aka when the sperm fertilizes the egg and starts the pregnancy journey). I actually know that I am 5 weeks pregnant now, counting from my last menstrual period. And I estimate I conceived 2-3 weeks before as I roughly know my ovulation day.

[Btw, doctors will date your pregnancy from the first day of your last period, not from when you conceived. This is because many women do not know when they ovulated, when the egg was fertilized and when did implantation occur. Too many variables. ]

So, I decided to put this pregnancy kit to the test, and see how accurate it is. It claims to be 99% accurate at predicting pregnant or not, and 92% accurate at predicting weeks after conceive.

The 4 possible outcomes of weeks estimator:


How they define:

1-2 weeks – hcg level of 50-200 (96.5% accurate)

2-3 weeks – hcg level of 200-2000 (76.1% accurate)

3+ weeks – hcg level of 2000+ (96.9% accurate)

Like any other kit, it just involves peeing on the stick or dipping into a urine sample. Immediately an hourglass icon pops out to show that it is processing the sample.

Recap it and lie the kit on a flat surface with the screen facing you while waiting.

The ‘Pregnant’ result came like 30s after, and the ‘2-3’ result came out after 2 minutes. Amazing.

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The display will stay on for 24 hours become battery runs out.

I think there are 2 main advantages of this system:

1) This can be an early check of your HCG hormones, whether it is increasing at a normal pace. For example, if you know that you conceived 2-3 weeks before, yet the indicator suggest that you conceive 1-2 weeks before, it could mean that your HCG level is on the low side, and maybe you should monitor more closely and do the test again.

2) It also has a ‘error’ indicator, if you did the test wrongly which could affect the accuracy of results.



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